Sunday, July 10, 2011

清明上河圖動畫版虹橋一景 Animation of a famous ancient Chinese painting

在台北花博爭艷館展出的清明上河圖特展, 除了有上海世博會中於中國館中展出的清明上河圖動畫之外, 還有原作北宋張擇端, 明朝仇英與清朝五位畫家合力畫作的清院本等三個經典版本的清明上河圖.

此景顯示一艘大船上的船夫正費力的想控制船身, 好讓船平安穿過橋下. 而橋上則擠滿了人觀看, 議論紛紛, 十分寫實精彩.

This short clip was part of the animation exhibited in the Chinese Pavilion in 2010 Shanghai Expo, but is currently on show in Taipei. The scene pictures sailors on a big boat struggling to ensure the boat's safe passage under the bridge, while observers on the bridge discussed about the endeavor loudly.

Now take a look at the original painting.  Isn't this amazing?

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